The TianTao exercises

»Begin­ners workshop

1 I Reju­ve­na­tion of the body and spine
This is a stan­ding prac­tice and spon­ta­neously deve­lops from total rela­xa­tion. The body moves as if by its­elf, while the sub­tle move­ments later emerge as cir­cu­lar and spi­ra­ling move­ments, always having the cha­rac­te­ristics of light­ness and spon­ta­n­eity. The pel­vic floor and the spine are trai­ned in a sophisti­ca­ted way, while the prac­ti­tio­ner auto­ma­ti­cally drifts into a con­tem­pla­tive state. Hereby the body strengt­hens and vita­li­zes from deep wit­hin, simul­ta­neously rege­ne­ra­ting vital energy flows into all major organs and chan­nels. The gra­cious and effort­less move­ment helps reduce pat­terns of ten­sion, and faci­li­ta­tes the cor­rec­tion of false pos­ture. Fur­ther­more the joints are lubri­ca­ted, the inner organs deeply nou­ris­hed and meta­bo­lic func­tion activated.

2 I Cal­minHT jk medicine 2webg of the mind
The tran­qui­lity exer­cise to calm the mind bears the name “The Saint making the Eli­xir”. It is per­for­med sit­ting, eit­her on a cushion or stool on the floor or on a chair. This exer­cise com­bi­nes the breath with har­mo­nious and very beau­ti­ful hand and arm gestu­res which are gene­ra­ted from the dan­tien, the belly area, as a sub­tle move­ment and extend from there through the body into the arms. The move­ments effort­lessly lead the prac­ti­tio­ner into a state of very deep medi­ta­tion that allows the mind to rest and expe­ri­ence still­ness. Thus the brain activity can be balan­ced and regu­la­ted. For that rea­son the exer­cise is very well sui­ted for people who have to accom­plish deman­ding men­tal work or those who wish to improve their memory and abi­lity to concentrate.



3 I Vita­li­zing the Spi­rit – the Art of brea­t­hing of the immor­tals
This ama­zin­gly easy brea­t­hing tech­ni­que builds the energy sto­rage by means of accu­mu­la­tion of energy essence wit­hin the core of the body and supplies body and mind with a grea­ter amount of spi­rit power. The uni­quen­ess of this tech­ni­que stems from a mecha­nism that reli­ves the body from the bur­den of active brea­t­hing. It gene­ra­tes warmth in the lower abdo­men and mas­sa­ges the inner organs. At the same time the hig­her brain cen­ters behind the forehead get sti­mu­la­ted. The pro­found rege­ne­ra­tion initia­ted by this exer­cise fos­ters emo­tio­nal balance and sta­bi­lity. Beyond that prac­ti­tio­ners often expe­ri­ence noti­ce­able impro­ve­ments such as enhan­ced phy­si­cal res­i­li­ence, a fee­ling of you­th­ful­ness and vita­lity, men­tal cla­rity and impro­ved intuition.

The basic exer­ci­ses are taught in the one-day begin­ners workshop.

Advan­ced workshops

Advan­ced I: Enhan­ce­ment of energy flow
The tech­ni­ques taught in the begin­ner work­shop are fur­ther refined with deeper ele­ments, enhan­cing the effects. Micro– and Macro­so­mic Orbit, are intro­du­ced. The Micro– and Macro­cosmic Orbit can be done sit­ting or stan­ding, it invol­ves very ele­gant hand move­ments that describe the pathway of energy. Tra­di­tio­nal this is a very power­ful tool to improve cir­cu­la­tion in the body, to heal the inter­nal organs, to regu­late blood pres­sure and to nou­rish the brain.

This work­shop also inclu­des the “Qi Hea­ling and Warming-Loving” exer­cise, which sup­ports the hea­ling of the heart and helps to dis­tri­bute energy in the body. It func­tions like a meri­dian massage.

Fur­ther­more the beginning/preparation of the Insight Medi­ta­tion (tech­ni­que) is taught.*

*The Insight Medi­ta­tion belongs to the inn­er­most tech­ni­ques of the “Teachings of the Great Mas­ters” and its effects are of great pro­found­ness. It trains and cul­ti­va­tes the mind and con­sists of a sequence of move­ments, which unlike in most of the other tech­ni­ques are not repea­ted for the most part.

In its ori­gi­nal ver­sion the Insight Medi­ta­tion radia­tes not only beauty and grace­ful­ness but an int­an­gi­ble wis­dom that has been pas­sed down by the Mas­ters of the art for hund­reds of years.

It incor­po­ra­tes and unites many aspects of eas­tern inner alchemy, such as hea­ven and earth, fire and water as well as dra­gon and tiger.

 The Insight Medi­ta­tion will be com­ple­ted in the course of the advan­ced work­shops II-V.


Advan­ced II: Under­stan­ding and Insight
Two more dimen­si­ons of rota­tion are added to the stan­ding exer­cise of spinal reju­ven­ta­tion. This way the effects on the spine are inten­si­fied and the energy flow through the body beco­mes more complex.

Other con­t­ents:
Sit­ting exer­cise: “Fly­ing Bird Sprea­ding the Wings in the Sky” – for strengt­he­ning the kid­neys and the lungs. This is a very smooth and opening exer­cise, which also helps to release ten­si­ons in the shoulders.

- Tian­Tao Insight Medi­ta­tion Part 1

- Ener­ge­tic sea­ling tech­ni­ques of the pel­vic floor


Advan­ced III: The Inner Light
Dra­gon Pearl – Gol­den Light Tech­ni­que
Here energy cir­cu­la­tes in a spe­cial way con­nec­ted to a spe­ci­fic brea­t­hing pat­tern along the pathway of the energy orbit. The orbit does not only use the body’s inter­nal ener­gies but is being enri­ched by macro­cosmic ener­gies and light. The dra­gon pearl is per­for­med sit­ting and ser­ves lon­ge­vity. Beyond that it also trains inner and extra­sen­sory per­cep­tion as well as the “mys­tic palace”.

Stan­ding exer­cise: Reju­ve­na­ting the Spine part 3

- Tian­Tao Insight Medi­ta­tion Part 2

An addi­tio­nal dimen­sion of move­ment for­ti­fies the trai­ning and rege­ne­ra­tion of the spine. The care­free side­ways gli­ding from left to right works with often over­looked mus­cle groups which nevert­he­l­ess play an import­ant role with respect to pos­ture. More­over it pro­mo­tes Yin-Yang balan­ces and sup­ports the diges­tive organs.

Advan­ced work­shops IV-V – the con­tent will be announ­ced soon.

In addi­tion to learning new forms and exer­ci­ses the advan­ced work­shops offer the oppor­tu­nity to get feed­back from Julia Kant about their pro­gress. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, per­so­nal sup­port and phi­lo­so­phi­cal back­ground infor­ma­tion are an inte­gral part of the teaching.

Pri­vate ses­si­ons
Julia is avail­able for pri­vate ses­si­ons in Ber­lin and other cities before and after work­shops. For those who are not able to come to see her in per­son she offers Zoom Session

Con­tact: +49 (0)30 84319757 Email: