About TianTao Yoga

Move­ment and breath in Medi­ta­tion HT jk crane 1 email
Tian Tao Yoga, a lon­ge­vity exer­cise prac­tised in secret wit­hin Chi­nese monas­te­ries until the Cul­tu­ral Revo­lu­tion, com­pri­ses a com­plete sys­tem of pro­found medi­ta­tive move­ment forms for self-healing and regeneration.

This exqui­si­tely gentle yet power­ful method is very easy to learn, can be done by any indi­vi­dual at a any level of fit­ness, wit­hout requi­ring stu­dents to be ath­le­tic or fle­xi­ble. That means elderly and disa­bled people restric­ted in their mobi­lity can easily prac­tice the exer­ci­ses wit­hout strain.

Tian Tao aligns body, mind and spi­rit with far reaching effects not limited to the body alone. Often prac­ti­tio­ners observe them­sel­ves reju­ve­na­ting and loo­king youn­ger due to the rene­wal and cul­ti­va­tion of pri­mal life essence or jing.


Tian Tao doesn’t require endurance or strength, just the wil­ling­ness to prac­tice regu­larly. Just 10 minu­tes a day brings tan­gi­ble results.

The bene­fi­cial effects can be expe­ri­en­ced in very early sta­ges, even in the first 2 hours of instruc­tion. Advan­ced medi­ta­tors will dis­co­ver to their sur­prise that the incredi­ble effi­ci­ency of the prac­tices allows them to quickly and effort­lessly tap into medi­ta­tive sta­tes that they expe­ri­en­ced only after several weeks of a pain­sta­king sea­ted medi­ta­tion retreat..

The reju­ve­na­tion that Tian Tao affords only unfolds with daily prac­tice and far sur­pas­ses con­ven­tio­nal fit­ness trai­ning or pure men­tal cal­ming methods of sea­ted meditation.

The Effects of  Tian Tao Yoga, “The Hea­venly Way of the Immor­tals” encompass:

  • Tones and Strengt­hens the whole body
  • Self-chiropractic – adjusts and rea­ligns the ent­ire spinal column
  • Ele­va­tes mood
  • Sup­ports healthy Immunity
  • Calms anxiety
  • Cir­cu­la­tes cere­bro­s­pinal fluid, blood and lymph
  • Reinte­gra­tes emotions
  • Increa­ses flexibility
  • Sup­ports home­o­sta­sis ( state of balance and equi­li­brium in the organism)
  • Syn­chro­ni­zes brain hemi­s­phe­res and enhan­ces crea­tive thinking
  • Cul­ti­va­tes ever deepe­ning medi­ta­tive states
  • Sexual vigor Enhancement

Tian Tao Yoga is a pre­cious anti­dote to the com­plex and stress­ful life­style of modern civi­liza­tion. It can be prac­ticed libe­r­ally wit­hout pre­pa­ra­tion any­where and at anytime. No spe­cial equip­ment or clot­hing is nee­ded and there is no pres­sure to perform.


 Aut­ho­riza­tion and Mas­ter lineage

Julia Kant first lear­ned Tian Tao Yoga under the trade­mark “Hsin Tao”, a trade­mar­ked varia­tion of Rat­ziel Ban­der, a for­mer stu­dent of the Chi­nese Grand­mas­ter Ho Lo. In 2008 Julia was the first Euro­pean who was aut­ho­ri­zed to teach “Hsin Tao” and sin­gle­han­dedly initia­ted hund­reds of people into the prac­tice of zen­bud­dhist Yoga.

In 2012 she began to teach the sys­tem in the inde­pen­dent for­mat of “Hsin Tao Essen­ti­als”, free from the dogma of secrecy and arti­fi­cial mystification.

Fur­ther deve­lop­ment took place due to the ongo­ing con­tact to the Master-Student of the Chi­nese grand­mas­ter, Tina Barry. Fol­lo­wing in the foots­teps of grand­mas­ter HoLo, Tina sha­res her know­ledge and exper­tise open-heartedly with Julia to sup­port the authen­tic reve­la­tion of Tian Tao in Europe. It is a tre­men­dous bles­sing that the adul­te­ra­ted, yet still effec­tive varia­tion Julia lear­ned as ‘Hsin Tao’ has now been retur­ned to its pure ori­gi­nal sim­p­li­city and power. A num­ber of tech­ni­ques never taught before were com­ple­men­ted and exis­ting exer­ci­ses were fur­ther refined with cor­rect inter­pre­ta­ti­ons accor­ding to the ori­gi­nal teachings of the Grand­mas­ter. Julia, reco­gnizing how she had for­merly been delu­ded by the cor­po­rate ver­sion of the anci­ent tech­ni­ques retur­ned to the genuine source, sup­porting her deci­sion to teach the sys­tem hence forth under the name Tian Tao Yoga – Divine Union through the Hea­venly Way and teach the ori­gi­nal sys­tem from the basics.


Pri­vate sessions

Julia is avail­able for pri­vate ses­si­ons in Ber­lin and other cities before and after work­shops. For those who are not able to come to see her in per­son she offers Zoom Ses­si­ons. She also offers Webinars.

Con­tact+49 (0)30 84319757
Email: info@tiantao-yoga.de


HT jk crane standing 20