Tian Tao Yoga Book

TT_Titel_600x800_jkTian Tao Yoga is a power­ful tech­ni­que of rege­ne­ra­tion and self-healing that was prac­ticed secretly in China’s monas­te­ries until the Cul­tu­ral Revo­lu­tion. One of the spe­cial fea­tures of this gentle yet power­ful method is that it is easy to learn and does not require any spe­cial ath­le­ti­cism or agi­lity. This makes it pos­si­ble for older people or those with limited mobi­lity to prac­tice the exer­ci­ses. Body, mind and soul are effec­tively revi­ta­li­zed and ali­gned on a deep inner level.

In this book, Julia Kant pro­vi­des insight into the prac­tice, phi­lo­so­phy and history of these once clo­sely guar­ded tech­ni­ques. She reports on her own path to Tian Tao as well as on the ama­zing expe­ri­en­ces of many prac­ti­tio­ners. The basic level exer­ci­ses, pre­sen­ted with nume­rous illus­tra­ti­ons, can alre­ady show pro­found effects if prac­ticed regu­larly.
The book also con­tains an exer­cise guide with valu­able tips and expla­na­ti­ons based on expe­ri­ence from many years of teaching and hund­reds of semi­nars. It can serve as a use­ful companion.

Avail­able from: https://www.feiyr.com/y/TTY10
