
jk-Portrait-Bank-1_Julia-KantJulia was born in Wei­mar, Ger­many in 1978. Her rich inner expe­ri­en­ces and the urge to under­stand the mea­ning and hid­den mecha­nisms of life moti­va­ted her early on to delve into the sub­jects of psy­cho­logy, phi­lo­so­phy and mys­ti­cism. She later under­went actors trai­ning at the school for move­ment theatre “Pla­ni­pe­des” in Ber­lin. Because of diverse health chal­len­ges at a young age her inte­rest in alter­na­tive hea­ling methods awakened.

In the fol­lo­wing years she inten­sely stu­died ways of inner trans­for­ma­tion and alchemy, as well as methods for energy cul­ti­va­tion. She then worked for more than ten years as an edi­tor for a health ori­en­ted com­pany where she shared the know­ledge about health rele­vant topics. In her work she always aimed at brid­ging the world of spi­ri­tua­lity and sci­ence, spe­ci­fi­cally the newer bran­ches, some­ti­mes cal­led trans­mo­dern sci­ence, such as Hadro­nic mechanics.

The search for effec­tive methods to unfold the human poten­tial in times of change let her to the dis­co­very of many tra­di­tio­nal and for­merly secret tech­ni­ques. She also recei­ved initia­ti­ons that acce­le­ra­ted and inten­si­fied her spi­ri­tual path.
Eas­tern energy prac­tices such as Qigong, Nei­gong and inter­nal mar­tial arts were one of her main fields of interest.

When she encoun­tered Tian Tao, a Chan– or Zen-Buddhist form of Yoga in 2004, she knew imme­dia­tely that she found some­thing very pre­cious and pro­found. Whe­reas many tech­ni­ques that she had prac­ticed before empha­si­zed the use of strict con­trol and effort, she found that Tian Tao leads to deep inner trans­for­ma­tion pre­ci­sely through the absence of too much force and effort. Not only hel­ped it tre­men­dously to improve her health but it also brought a level of bliss, inner calm and insight that was not attainable before.

Because of her dedi­ca­tion towards the prac­tice she became the first Euro­pean teacher in the year 2008 and has taught since then hund­reds of work­shops. She foun­ded the Tian Tao Yoga School in 2013 as a result of her direct work with Grand­mas­ter Ho Lo.

Julia also works as a psychic coach and hea­ler. Fur­ther­more she offers other trai­ning for­mats, that cover sub­jects such as emo­tio­nal hea­ling, inner alchemy and human deve­lop­ment as well as reju­ve­na­tion techniques.

